Frequently Asked Questions

If you own a stucco home you are aware of the low-maintenance, sound-insulating benefits of this beautiful exterior material. Here are some frequently asked questions that  cover the basics if you are considering stucco for your new home project.

How long does stucco last?

Properly applied stucco lasts from 50 to 100 years with proper maintenance.

Can the texture of my stucco be changed?

Yes, sufficient coats of stucco can be applied and textured over an existing finish.

What preparations are necessary during the construction or remodeling of my home prior to the stucco being applied?

Proper installation of doors, windows, flashing and any other wall penetrations can affect your stucco. Have your remodeling or new construction contractor consult with us prior to building.

How thick is the stucco treatment?

This will vary depending on texture but the final two coats of stucco total approximately 1/8 to 3/16 –inches.

Why does stucco crack?

Stucco is one of the most durable wall surfaces available, but because of its rigid nature, stucco can develop cracks and holes over time due to settling and impact damage. Once a crack develops it’s important to repair the crack quickly. Smooth texture cracks more than a thicker texture, consider other textures to help reduce cracking.

How do I repair my stucco?

This video shows how to repair stucco, or if the crack is severe, you should have a professional repair of the crack. Stucco should only be repaired with patch mixes when the temperature is between 40 and 90 degrees.

Can stucco be painted?

Yes all forms of stucco can be painted – but they should not all be painted the same way or with the same products. Ask a stucco supplier for their recommendation based upon the type of stucco you’re painting over.